With one decisive blow, Mark Carn...
deafguy55 Mar 10, 2025
deafguy55 November 5, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe
Link , Link , [CNN's S.E. Cupp explained how Virginia's Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe "pissed off the wrong voters."], Link , [BREAKING: 531,000 more jobs, lower unemployment, and a stronger economy this month. We can do more than just recover—Congress should pass the Build Back Better Act TODAY.], Link , [American politics in a nutshell: --Progressivism--The source of all ideas being considered to help Americans --Centrism--Watering down progressive ideas --Conservatism--Blocking progressive ideas and condemning them as socialist --Trumpism/Rightwingism--Racism, misogyny, hate], Link , [It's 2021, Donald Trump is NOT president, Hillary was never arrested & yet, MAGA make her trend. When the going get's tough, they go to the old classic of Lock Her Up. Somehow I'm both unsurprised & blown away at their utter stupidity. Jr even put her on a gun.], Link , Link , Link , [You know what would really bring working class voters back to the Democratic Party? Enacting a historic social, economic, and infrastructure agenda, and paying for it by taxing the ultra-wealthy.], Link , [There are NO BILLIONAIRES in WEST VIRGINIA So why is Joe Manchin blocking the BILLIONAIRE TAX?], Link , Link , [Pfizer says antiviral pill cuts risk of severe COVID-19 by 89%]