With one decisive blow, Mark Carn...
deafguy55 Mar 10, 2025
deafguy55 November 4, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe
Link , Link , [In connection with Donald Trump's lawsuit trying to prevent the National Archives form turning over potentially damning evidence, Trump lawyers just filed a brief falsely suggesting that both the FBI and a Senate Committee have cleared him of all wrongdoing in connection with the insurrection. First, the presiding judge, Tanya Chutkan, undoubtedly will press Trump's lawyers on these false claims. Second, although the FBI generally does not comment on pending investigations, this false assertion of exoneration should be addressed by the FBI, as FBI silence will be interpreted as affirmation of Trump's false claims. Third, there are serious consequences should the Department of Justice fail to charge Donald Trump for his crimes in connection with the insurrection. ], Link , Link , Link , [The DOJ should not have conducted investigations to advance Trump’s personal agenda or have been pressured in any way to do so. That's why we're suing the DOJ for all OLC memos, opinions, and records that indicate DOJ involvement in the 2020 election.], Link , [President Biden’s Build Back Better Framework will provide one of the biggest middle-class tax cuts in history – paid for by making those at the top pay their fair share, including corporations. And no one making under $400,000 will pay a penny more in taxes.]
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