Personal history: Why CEO pay exploded It happened one day in a White House m...

deafguy55     November 2, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Is Joe Manchin trying to be like Mitch McConnell? It seems like he wants to be an a$$hole like Mitch to me.], Link , [We know deforestation, compounded by droughts & wildfires, spew greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, that cause global warming. Did you know that rainforests are home to half of Earth's beautiful friends in the animal & bird world? Protect the rainforests for them!], Link , Link , Link , [This Advent, take a daily journey into what it means to "live low"—to admit the grief and sadness and suffering; and to move through the world with empathy and generosity, looking to help those who lack love or resources or hope or opportunity.]

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