Meet Colby the Deaf Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Specialist | Deaf@...

NAD     October 30, 2021 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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When working with Geographical Information Systems (GIS), you have to know your maps pretty well! Just ask Colby!

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#DeafAtWork #NDEAM

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Colby is seated in his office.

COLBY: It’s pretty funny actually. When I go on road trips with friends or family, sometimes when we get lost, people will start asking me for help with the map. I will always find our way back to where we were supposed to be. I guess you can call me the map guy!

Black and white clip of Colby on his computer typing away. Next clip, Colby is writing something on a notepad. In the center, a white border surrounds white text “COLBY” underneath, appears in white text “GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS GIS SPECIALIST.”

COLBY: My name is Colby Broadway, I am the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Specialist for the Pipeline Safety Department at Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC).

Black and white clip of an internet browser with Railroad Commission of Texas. Next clip, Colby is looking at his two computer screens.

COLBY: I first grew up mainstreamed before I went to the Texas School for the Deaf for my Junior and Senior years and graduated from there. Next, I graduated from Texas State University in San Marcos where I studied GIS with a minor in Geology.

Black and white clip of Colby moving his computer mouse. Next clip, Colby is focused on his computer.

COLBY: I love studying maps of different areas. Ever since I was a young kid, you’d find me unfolding a big map and studying it every day. But of course, that is now considered old fashioned because with technology like Google Maps we can use from anywhere.

Black and white clip of a mapping software. Next clip, Colby is typing something on the computer.

COLBY: I got this job thanks to my school’s internship program. They had a list of various internships, this one interested me so I applied for it. My internship was with Groundwater Advisory Unit (GAU) with RRC. That internship opportunity led me to this current position, working with pipeline mapper for almost six years!

Black and white clip of Colby’s name tag on the cubicle while Colby works on the computer. Next clip, a co-worker passes on a written note to Colby while he reads it.

COLBY: When I arrive at work in the mornings, I always check my e-mail and phone messages. After I respond to all of them, I start reviewing operators’ applicants for permits with the State of Texas. They must include required documentations and mapping information. I review all necessary documents to make sure everything is accurate, and if all the paperwork is there. If everything is good, I can start processing their permit. If I have to decline it, they will get the paperwork back to review for what changes they need to do.

Black and white clip of Colby typing away on the computer. White text appears at the bottom center, “The key to landing a successful job is to do an internship with the same company.” Light blue text “- Colby” and a light blue line outlines the left side of the text.

COLBY: Never give up! Keep chasing your goals, your dreams and you’ll get to your successes!

Black and white clip of Colby typing on his computer, and the next clip is a close up of Colby looking at the computer.

Video cuts to a gray background. Many small red and blue balls appear and swirl towards the center of the video before revealing the NAD logo in red, blue, and white with a water ripple effect. The copyright text appears in white underneath, “National Association of the Deaf, Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved.”]

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