Having a bad day, should I still go to the interview? | Youth Employment Tip 8

NAD     October 28, 2021 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Is it still worth going to my interview after having a bad day? Learn a good tip from one of our panelists, Lori!

[TRANSCRIPT & DESC: A screen recorded online event of four women on Zoom. They are Renate Rose, Tyese Wright, Gisella Tomita, and Lori Taylor.

Renate: On the interview day, if you are feeling depressed or not in a good mood and your hair is not looking the best - how should you handle that situation?

(an animated slide appeared with a dark greyish-blue brick as a background. Question bubbles appeared with Q and A, and a bold white text appeared, "BAD DAY, CAN I RESCHEDULE?")

Lori: That is a tough question, but a great point. You know, once you have set up the interview, you really can't miss it because that is your opportunity to sell yourself to get the job. If you want to get the job, you need to go. But again, if it is a really severe reason, a fever or something like that, of course, just communicate with the employer and explain that you are sick and ask if it's possible to reschedule. That can work, but an interview is something you really need to think of as your number one priority that you can hopefully make it.

(an animated slide appeared with a dark greyish-blue brick as a background. A white text appeared, "BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF")]

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