Meet Joseph the Deaf Preventative Maintenance Technician | Deaf@Work Series

NAD     October 27, 2021 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Joseph shares his journey as a Preventative Maintenance Technician - with help from his VR counselor!

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Joseph is standing in front of a tractor. The NAD logo is at the bottom right corner.

JOSEPH: It was actually my uncle who asked me to tag along to watch him do some mechanical work, that got me motivated and interested. While watching my uncle, it reminded me of building with Legos. Whenever a lego building broke, you fixed it. That simple lego application to mechanical repairs made so much sense to me. I enjoy troubleshooting when repairing something.

Black and white clip of Joseph going down a set of stairs under a tractor. In the center, a white border surrounds white text “JOSEPH” underneath, appears in white text “PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN.”

JOSEPH: My name is Joseph Strassburg, and I work for the city of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I do preventative repairs.

Black and white clip of Joseph looking into a tractor’s front engine.

JOSEPH: I went to the school for the deaf. When I graduated, I went to Southeast Technical School to become an Automotive Technician. I got my Associate’s Degree and then I studied to get my ASE certification to stay competitive and learn how to repair different automobiles, A to Z really.

Black and white clip of Joseph working on a tire.

JOSEPH: Looking back, my first job was at Menards. I had several different jobs actually. Then finally I was able to transfer to my current job here, thanks to my Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselor. I’m really happy here! I work part-time now but my goal is to get a full-time position here.

Black and white clip of Joseph walking through the shop.

JOSEPH: To work here, you have to have specific certifications specializing in different areas like transmission, HVAC, manual transmissions, axles, and so on. I’m studying these speciality areas and my co-workers support me by giving me tips or telling me what I need to know. Being able to know a variety of things helps with repairs because technology is always changing! The system is constantly changing from ‘old school methods’ to a more modern version.

Black and white clip of Joseph working on a computer in the shop.

JOSEPH: I’m responsible for almost everything from a small car, lawnmower, semi-trucks, big snow plowers, loaders, dump trucks, sanders, bobcats and many more. Before I begin, I review the list of complaints from the driver, and proceed with inspection. I add any more issues I find from my inspection and give all of that to the mechanic so they know what to fix. Today, I’m inspecting this loader, doing an oil change and changing the fuel filter -- just basic stuff like you giving your car a tune up and get your car ready to go.

Black and white clip of Joseph under a loader. White text appears at the bottom center, “I read the vehicle manuals too, yes it’s huge and dense -- but there’s a lot of important information in there that I need to know to do my job better.” Light blue text “- Joseph” and a light blue line outlines the left side of the text.

JOSEPH: Sometimes when I get frustrated, I’m lucky to have a co-worker to tell me a trick to make my job easier! I’m always learning something new and I learn from my mistakes. I turn my mistakes into a learning lesson and make it right. I’m really happy here because I work with a great team, including my supervisor, who communicates with me by pen and paper, on the computer, and gestures.

Black and white clip of Joseph working on underneath a vehicle.

JOSEPH: If you want to learn mechanical stuff or how to fix things, do it! Have fun experimenting on your car. If you’re unsure about something -- learn from the internet or your car’s manual. If you’re truly interested in it, then just go for it.

Black and white clip of Joseph walking out from underneath a vehicle after finishing his inspection.

JOSEPH: Finding a job can be frustrating. I finally got my foot in the door thanks to my VR counselor and a job specialist. Hang in there. Keep in mind that you will probably have to start from the bottom like I did working at a store when I wanted to be a mechanics repair technician right away. I needed experience and then after a few jobs, I am finally where I want to be.

Black and white clip of Joseph doing an inspection.

JOSEPH: I enjoy my job because it’s what I want to do! It all started from watching my uncle and I have always been passionate about this. This shop has high demands for auto repairs and technicians. Learning new things amazes me!

Black and white clip of Joseph coming down from the cab of the loader and claps his hands as the clip ends. Video cuts to a gray background. Many small red and blue balls appear and swirl towards the center of the video before revealing the NAD logo in red, blue, and white with a water ripple effect. The copyright text appears in white underneath, “National Association of the Deaf, Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved.”]

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