5 Tips for Virtual Interviews | Youth Employment Tip 5

NAD     October 19, 2021 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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A lot of things have changed this past year due to the pandemic, for instance, a lot of job interviews are virtual! Learn tips from the panelists about how to have an ideal virtual interview!

[TRANSCRIPT & DESC: A screen recorded online event of four women on Zoom. They are Renate Rose, Tyese Wright, Gisella Tomita, and Lori Taylor.

Renate: Many interviews are being done virtually, and we are meeting potential employers online instead of meeting in person where we can shake their hands, etc. Now, how do we greet people virtually? What are your tips?

(an animated slide appeared with a dark greyish-blue brick as a background. Question bubbles appeared with Q and A, and a bold white text appeared, "WHAT TO DO IF YOUR INTERVIEW IS VIRTUAL")

Gisella: I know that doing a virtual interview can be awkward, like how do you start and how do you close the interview? You'd feel, "Should I...?" You have to wait on the cues and look out for non-verbal behaviors.

Lori: We introduce ourselves and give our names. That's important to start off with.

Tyese: Eye contact! Keep your eyes on the screen on Zoom.

Gisella: I think sometimes we can have a neutral conversation, like saying hi! How are you? Have a small chat, like about the weather, then you can start. Most importantly, leave that up to the interviewer or manager and let them lead it.

(an animated slide appeared with a dark greyish-blue brick as a background. A white text appeared, "YOU CAN DO IT")]

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