Canada's Liberal Party announces ...
deafguy55 Mar 09, 2025
deafguy55 October 18, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe
Link , Link , Link , [I'm not against exec privilege, but when it is used to cover up an insurrection against the Capitol & the illegal overturning of an election, then it goes too far. No man is above the law—especially when that man subverts the law and the Constitution.], Link , Link , Link , [. @SecDef Austin on death of Colin Powell: "The world lost one of the greatest leaders that we have ever witnessed. Alma lost a great husband and the family lost a tremendous father. I lost a tremendous personal friend and mentor...I feel as if I have a hole in my heart."], Link , Link , [This video alone, is enough evidence that camera’s were is place and TV’s in position to watch the government takeover in real-time. Enforce subpoenas!]