America has lost a truly amazing leader who embodied the very best characteri...

deafguy55     October 18, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [March 2020: 614 billionaires worth $2.9 trillion October 2021: 745 billionaires worth $5 trillion They pay an effective tax rate of 8%, per WH. We need to tax billionaire wealth.], Link , Link , Link , [What can be done consistent with the First Amendment to ensure that American voters can make informed election decisions and hold free elections amid a flood of virally spread disinformation and the collapse of local news reporting? How should American society counter the actions of people like former President Donald J. Trump, who used social media to convince millions of his followers to doubt the integrity of U.S. elections and helped foment a violent insurrection? What can we do to minimize disinformation campaigns aimed at suppressing voter turnout? With piercing insight into the current debates over free speech, censorship, and Big Tech’s responsibilities, Richard L. Hasen proposes legal and social measures to restore Americans’ access to reliable information on which democracy depends. In an era when quack COVID treatments and bizarre QAnon theories have entered mainstream, this book explains how to assure both freedom of ideas and a commitment to truth.]

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