Canada's Liberal Party announces ...
deafguy55 Mar 09, 2025
deafguy55 October 16, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe
Link , Link , Link , [Why journalists are failing the public with ‘both-siderism’ in political coverage], Link , [Donald, why are you so scared to go to Virginia? #TrumpInHiding], Link , Link , [A wealthy Trump donor who helped finance the rally in DC on Jan. 6 also gave $150,000 to the nonprofit arm of the Republican Attorneys General Association, funds that a person familiar with the contribution said were intended in part to promote the rally], Link , Link , Link , [Here’s why Doug Ford won’t congratulate the Ontario-born winner of the Nobel Prize for economics], Link , [Me in @globeandmail on my new book The Rebel Christ, and the Christian right.]