Hey All. Can I please re-up this piece I wrote more than 2 years ago about Co...

deafguy55     October 15, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , [Democrats’ social spending bill is popular, and its tax increases on the rich are too. Relatively few voters want major parts removed. Here’s why the bill is shrinking anyway — and what voters want to keep most.], Link , Link , Link , [After Donald Trump’s defeat, there was a measure of hope among Republicans who opposed him that control of the party would be up for grabs, and that conservative pragmatists could take it back. But it’s become obvious that political extremists maintain a viselike grip on the national and state parties and the process for fielding and championing House and Senate candidates in next year’s elections.], Link , Link , [Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will unveil on Oct. 26 the roster of cabinet ministers who will shepherd his government into a third mandate focused on finishing the fight against COVID-19 and rebuilding the pandemic-ravaged economy.]

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