Donald Trump issued a statement urging that, if he doesn’t get his way, Repub...

deafguy55     October 14, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [Trump renews threats to GOP over election lies: The Note His new statement may be one Republicans can't ignore.], Link , Link , [The latest property acquisition is more evidence that Pastor Hyung Jin “Sean” Moon, a fervent conspiracy theorist and son of an accused cult leader, is determined to expand his reach into the American Heartland. Moon often rails against the results of the 2020 election (he maintains that Trump, whom he believes was sent by God to combat “political satanism” on earth, was “usurped” from power). The church was even recently raffling off a “Commander in Chief AR15,” a gun manufactured by Kahr Arms that has Trump’s name engraved on it. ], Link , [but for God's sake, REMEMBER THIS. This is the SECOND time the GOP has run up trillions in debt from tax cuts, then refused to deal with the bill and threatened to drive a global economic collapse because they thought they could lie about how much their recklessness cost.], Link , ["The Select Committee's investigation has revealed credible evidence that you attempted to involve the Department of Justice in efforts to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power."], Link , [Two truths and a lie: -Kyrsten Sinema campaigned on drug pricing reform. -Kyrsten Sinema is actively opposing drug pricing reform. -Kyrsten Sinema received over $750,000 from Big Pharma. Just kidding – they’re all true.], Link , Link , [“We need some of the world’s greatest brains and minds fixed on trying to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go and live," Prince William says.], Link , [Here is a prediction @FordNation is going to lift most restrictions in #Ontario as they seem to be getting #COVID19 under control. Just like he has in the past and 28% of the total population of Ont is not fully vaccinated this will result I am afraid in another wave.]

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