Renca Dunn from ReallyRenca to Perform at Gallaudet Homecoming 2021!

Gallaudet University     October 13, 2021 in ASL 23 Subscribers Subscribe

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A message from Renca Dunn, one of the 2021 Gallaudet University Homecoming performers!

[Video description: a white woman sitting down on the grass with trees behind her. She is wearing a Gallaudet University sweatshirt. Transcript: "Hello, Gallaudet community! My name is Renca and I am class of 2009! Whoo! I stayed at Gallaudet for 6 years and I have 3 Bachelor degrees in English, Education, and Communication Studies. Gallaudet will always have a special place in my heart. It was a place where I had my personal growth, set up my academic foundations, and met my life long friends. One of the best things about Gallaudet is the different opportunities to grow into your leadership such as being involved with student organizations, clubs, sports, and more. That’s why it’s an honor for me as a Gallaudet alumni to be one of the performers for the Homecoming kickoff. Join us for the weekend fun by following us @GallaudetU. See you there!"]

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