Donald Trump is the one who negot...
deafguy55 Mar 08, 2025
deafguy55 October 5, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe
Link , Link , [Despite leading three efforts to increase the debt limit under the Trump administration and voting 32 times to increase the debt limit by over $20 trillion himself over the course of his career, Senator Mitch McConnell (R, KY) is threatening to oppose and filibuster an effort to address the looming debt limit deadline that will come due in October. Debt limit increases are must-pass provisions that ensure that the federal government can pay what it owes on obligations that it has already incurred. Failing to do so would result in an unprecedented default by the United States destroying the country’s full faith and credit, creating chaos in financial markets and the real economy, and costing taxpayers even more by squandering the U.S.’s ability to issue debt at low, riskless rates.], Link , Link , [Collins is the 16th NIH director, appointed by former President Barack Obama in 2009. He was asked to continue in his role by former President Donald Trump, and in 2021, by President Joe Biden. He is the first presidentially appointed NIH director to serve in more than one administration.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Frances Haugen, a former data scientist for Facebook, testified to Congress on Oct. 5 about the tech giant’s negligence of acknowledging its societal harms, particularly to children. Haugen revealed the company chooses to hide its research from the public that reveal how its platforms negatively impact children, and instead Facebook chooses to grow at all costs. “Choices being made inside Facebook are disastrous,” Haugen said.]