Meet Yan the Deaf Senior Accountant | Deaf@Work Series

NAD     October 1, 2021 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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It's National Disability Employment Month! We're bringing back our #DeafAtWork stories, and kicking off with Yan who is a senior accountant! Imagine doing a numbers game while working! #NDEAM

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If you want to watch the entire series now, visit our #DeafAtWork Playlist: Link

[VIDEO DESCRIPTION AND TRANSCRIPT: Yan is seated in her office.

YAN: One evening, I was taking a level one bookkeeping class, the teacher wanted us to play a numbers game. The teacher said, “When you’re playing the game well enough, you will be able to understand accounting.” I thought, “Well, maybe this means I can play games during my entire career!”

Black and white video clip of Yan working in her office, with back to the camera, while a dog licks a toy on the floor in the foreground. In the center, a white border surrounds white text “YAN” underneath, appears in white text “SENIOR ACCOUNTANT.”

YAN: My name is Yan Liu and I’m a senior accountant.

Black and white video clips of Yan typing on her computer and Yan focusing on her computer.

YAN: I was born in Shanghai, China. I grew up in a family that was really into business.

Black and white video clip of Yan working on her computer and behind the shot of Yan working at her desk.

YAN: I didn’t have a clear idea on what I wanted to do in the future, I just went along with everyone else in elementary, middle school, high school, and college. I figured I’ll know what to do once I got my college degree. Later, I moved to Canada and enrolled in a college preparation program. That was when I realized that Deaf people could do any kind of work. I started thinking of what kind of career I wanted, what I was interested in doing, and what I enjoyed doing. I thought about taking some accounting classes. From there, I started my education with a Bachelor's degree in Business and Accountancy.

Black and white video of Yan working at her desk from behind and a close up of Yan.

YAN: I used to work with a theater group in China, the China Disabled People's Performing Art Troup (CDPPAT), and we were invited to participate in Deaf Way II in Washington, DC. I came across a new video phone product that blew me away, it was called “Video Relay Service.” People were telling me “CSD” was behind the product. I didn’t know what Communication Services for the Deaf (CSD) was but before I knew it, it stuck with me for a very long time. While in college, I checked if CSD any internship opportunities, but unfortunately, at that time -- they did not have anything. It was after graduation when a friend of mine told me CSD had an accounting position open. I applied immediately! During the interview, the person said they remembered my name from my internship application all those years back. That’s how I got a job with CSD!

Black and white video of Yan focused on her work at her desk and a video of a dog laying beside her feet on the floor.

YAN: As a senior accountant, I oversee all general ledger books (we have several) and make sure they are all correct. I ensure they are recorded correctly, with data in the right places, and in the right department, and so on. I also prepare monthly, quarterly, and yearly financial statements. Also, I support the Director in conducting our annual audit. I prepare our tax documents. We all work remotely. I communicate with my co-workers through an internal chat or e-mail, occasionally using Zoom for face to face meetings.

Black and white clip of Yan typing on her laptop. White text appears at the bottom center, “As an international employee, I bring a different perspective to our financial operations at CSD.” Light blue text “- YAN” and a light blue line outlines the left side of the text. The text flickers out as a gray video shows Yan focused on her laptop.

YAN: I’d like to see more and more Deaf professionals in various fields where they can contribute their knowledge and experience to the fields.

Black and white clip of Yan focusing on her laptop and a clip of a dog at her foot while she works at her desk. Video cuts to a gray background. Many small red and blue balls appear and swirl towards the center of the video before revealing the NAD logo in red, blue, and white with a water ripple effect. The copyright text appears in white underneath, “National Association of the Deaf, Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved.”]

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