Five Reasons Why I Believe

Word2Believe     August 21, 2021 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe

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Bro. Pouliot in this vlog share his five main reasons why he believes in YAH, our Creator ONE who made the heaven and earth.

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6 Video Comments

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  1. ReplyTo:   Word2Believe
    Title:   #1 Impossible Creation
  2. ReplyTo:   Word2Believe
    Title:   Part 2 for #1 Reason
  3. ReplyTo:   Word2Believe
    Title:   #2 Historical Evidence
  4. ReplyTo:   Word2Believe
    Title:   #3Archeological Discover
  5. ReplyTo:   Word2Believe
    Title:   #5 Written In Advance
  6. ReplyTo:   Word2Believe
    Title:   #5 Final Reason
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