Read the full transcript of Pres. Biden's exclusive interview with @ABC News'...

deafguy55     August 20, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , [Pres. @JoeBiden : “I think they're going through sort of an existential crisis about do they want to be recognized by the int’l community as being a legitimate government.”], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Following the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan, aftershocks are being felt globally. Questions surrounding the impending refugee crisis, the future of human rights under the Taliban, the responses of China, Russia, and Iran, as well as the United States’ international credibility, have put the world on edge. During this uncertain time, CSIS is providing independent, bipartisan analysis from our experts on these aftershocks as they happen and insight about what to expect going forward. This “Afghanistan Aftershocks” page curates CSIS’s center-wide expertise.], Link , Link , [Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars in income that was brought in by her husband, Jayson, as a new report from The Washington Post explains. Jayson Boebert apparently brought in this money — including $478,000 last year and $460,000 the year prior — working as a consultant for an energy company, and while in office, Congresswoman Boebert has advocated on behalf of energy industry-tied interests. For instance, in February, the Congresswoman introduced a bill meant “to bar the president from issuing moratoriums on oil and gas leasing and permitting on some federal land,” the Post explains. With these hundreds of thousands of dollars in previously unreported energy industry-tied income garnered by her husband, there’s a clear opportunity for conflicts of interest.]

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