Which one? Church of God or Churc...
ChetBrock Oct 16, 20244931
ChetBrock August 15, 2021 in ASL 49 Subscribers Subscribe
Why Did Jesus Say He is the Lord of the Sabbath? esus claimed His authority over the Sabbath when He said: “Therefore, the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath” (Mark 2:28). Here Jesus takes His rightful place as the One who gave this law of the Sabbath.
Title: Power to determine Link 1
Title: True Worshippers Link 1
Title: Can we earn money on 7th
Title: No, "Your Belief S. C."
Title: OUR Sabbath REST-JESUS
Title: Hebrews 3-4 Sabbath REST Link 1
Title: Let no one pass judgment Link 1 Link 2
Title: He greatest than 7th???
Title: #8: judge=punish Ex31? Link 1
Title: Isa 66:22ff? New
Title: shadow of Body Messiah Link 1
Title: who are the circumcision Link 1
Title: Father greater than I Link 1
Title: clarify "shadow"
Title: LORD of Sabbath Who? Link 1
Title: "once for all" Link 1
Title: sacrifices still? NO?
Title: Memorial and Temple Link 1