It's never been about Trump. It's about your tolerance for his infidelity, cr...

deafguy55     August 7, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , [That is going to be the story here of these years: not of the faceless public health threat that attacked this nation and the world—but of the cruelty and selfishness of those we know and love and live with, who gave it every opportunity to ravage us, who were willing accomplices to the death and the suffering, who said no to compassion when it called. Until love and mercy and kindness take hold in the hearts of these people, until they are burdened with the common good, that lack of empathy will be a sickness that will destroy us.], Link , Link , Link , [I’m so proud of you, @TeamUSA. Thank you for showing what we can do together as one America and as one team.]

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