The Fox pipeline is pretty simple. Fox News stokes a constant sense of outrag...

deafguy55     August 1, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [“To an extent that many people still don’t recognize, Fox News is a grinding, daily cesspool of white grievance, mistrust of deep-state government, and a belief that liberals are literally trying to destroy the country out of sheer malice.”], Link , Link , Link , Link , ["Many of the people refusing safe, effective vaccination amid a deadly pandemic,"], Link , [Lots of talk about President Trump urging the Justice Department to call the election “corrupt.” Let’s dig into the documents—he says: “statistically, election night it was a done deal” “statistically impossible for me to lose” Whiteboard says:], Link , [Alexander and Eugene Vindman on truth and its consequences....Alexander Vindman is an American hero.]

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