Which one? Church of God or Churc...
ChetBrock Oct 16, 2024
ChetBrock July 26, 2021 in ASL 48 Subscribers Subscribe
Are we obligated to keep the Sabbath today? If you are saved "by grace" through faith in Jesus Christ without keeping the Sabbath do you need to keep the Sabbath to be saved? NO. Link , We rest where God rests-in Christ and His finished work (see Hebrews 4:10). “JESUS IS OUR TRUE SABBATH REST”
Title: Based on Faith
Title: Christ's Finished Work
Title: CUT yourselves off Link 1
Title: Turkey Bacon Kosher
Title: Blot Certificate of Debt Link 1
Title: Jesus is Lord of Sabbath
Title: BY Faith in O.T. and N.T Link 1
Title: Apologetic defense Link 1
Title: Word of God is Living Link 1
Title: KEEP the Sabbath-SAVED? Link 1 Link 2
Title: Book Why I left the HRM Link 1 Link 2
Title: Child unitl Adulthood
Title: LAW for SINNER Link 1
Title: SDA Keep Sabbath Save NO Link 1 Link 2
Title: You just ask your PASTOR
Title: You Agreed GT?
Title: Tell the Truth or LIE! Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
Title: more than all sacrifices Link 1
Title: Gladly, you talk Alfred