Why didn't the Secret Service take the threat of violence at the Capitol seri...

deafguy55     July 17, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Woman at the Trumparilla Saturday in Tampa says Trump is still president. “This guy’s the savior, he’s not just president of the US, he’s king of the world.”], Link , Link , [Former President Donald Trump issued three statements in two days falsely claiming that voting fraud and irregularities cost him Arizona’s electoral votes. Trump relied on comments made Thursday by contractors hired by state Senate Republicans to oversee a partisan review of the 2020 vote count in Maricopa County, which includes metro Phoenix. The “forensic audit,” as Senate GOP leaders are calling their review, is overseen by Cyber Ninjas, a small computer security firm with no election experience before Trump began questioning the 2020 results. Its CEO, Doug Logan, spread false conspiracy theories about the election before he was hired to lead the Arizona review. Logan and Ben Cotton, a digital forensics analyst working on the audit, described issues they say need further review. Trump has parroted them as evidence the election results are tainted. County officials and elections experts say the claims are false and based on a misunderstanding of election materials, which they say creates an appearance of irregularities where none exists. Trump laid out his claims most specifically in a statement Friday night. A look at the irregularities he alleges in that statement:]

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