No Longer Braveheart now it is Ch...
deafguy555 Jul 13, 2021
deafguy555 July 11, 2021 in ASL 1 Subscribers Subscribe
Link , Link , Link , [Sean Penn Trashes Donald Trump’s COVID-19 Response At Cannes Film Festival “It felt like someone with a machine gun gunning down communities that were most vulnerable,” the “Flag Day” actor and director said.], Link , Link , [Legal AF is on hiatus but don’t forget to catch up on the latest MeidasTouch Podcast with former asst. attorney at SDNY @richsignorelli ! Enjoy and get some great inside analysis on the legal fate of the Trump crime family.], Link , Link , Link , [When evangelical snowflakes censor the Bible: The English Standard Version goes PC How a Bible edition aimed at right-wing evangelicals has quietly scrubbed references to slavery and "the Jews"]