Historical Context: Before the Indian Act, 1763–1876

deafguy555     July 8, 2021 in ASL 1 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [The Indian Act known as Canada’s racist and deceiving acts under Canadian Law]...[The first Indian Act was called The Act for the Gradual Civilization of the Indian (1869). The Indian Act came into effect in 1876 and is still in effect today. It is a piece of government legislation that defines who is an Indian (status/registered Indian) and governs the lands (reserves) set aside for Indians. This Act is known as Canada’s racist and deceiving acts under Canadian Law. There is a misconception as what’s in the act does not reflect on what the Number Treaties are about. It was the beginning of a psychological assault on Indian identity that would be escalated by the later Indian Act prohibitions on other culture practices such as traditional dances and regalia and by the residential school policy. Under the Act, only First Nation men could seek enfranchisement. In order to do so, they had to be over the age of 21, able to read and write in either English or French, be reasonably well educated, free of debt, and of good moral character as determined by a commission of non-Aboriginal examiners (Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 1996). In 1933, an amendment to The Indian Act enforced assimilation even further. That amendment empowered the government to order the enfranchisement of First Nations members who met the qualifications set out in the act, even when they had not requested this. The era of Assimilation and Ethnocide policies begins in Canada. ]

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