No Longer Braveheart now it is Ch...
deafguy555 Jul 13, 2021
deafguy555 July 4, 2021 in ASL 1 Subscribers Subscribe
Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Republicans Exposed is a “Grass Roots” Political Opinion Blog started by a Average Joe Citizen who is FED UP with Republicans Anti-Democratic tactics, such as rigging elections by Gerrymandering, Voter Purges, Voter Obstruction and refusing to eliminate the Electoral College, which made two (2) unpopular & unqualified Republicans President, who the majority didn’t vote for. Site owner is an American Patriot who believes we must fight for, defend and protect Democracy, and has always been inspired by the famous quote by Patrick Henry; “Give me liberty or give me death!”. It’s clear that Republicans are anti-democratic and a threat to our liberty and justice. They proved to be LAWLESS when they failed to vote to Impeach & Remove Trump from office, who violated his Oath of Office numerous ways… including Obstructing Justice, Abuse of Power, Blocking Congressional Oversight, Dirt on an opponent for Foreign Aid, Emoluments Clause Violations and more. Trump’s claims regarding the 2020 election that he “Won in a Landslide”… that the election was “Rigged”… “Stolen”… that there was “Voter Fraud” have ALL have been proven to be false by Judges and Courts in over 40 lawsuits. Despite the fact that Trump’s claims of the 2020 election being “Rigged” and “Stolen” were proven to be false by numerous Courts and Judges, 125 Republican Congressman and 18 Republican State Attorneys proved to be UNDEMOCRATIC TRAITORS engaged in sedition and insurrection by supporting and signing onto Trump’s outrageous lawsuit to overturn the outcome of the 2020 election and thwart the “Will of the People”, attempting to strike down Democratically elected Joe Biden.]