No Longer Braveheart now it is Ch...
deafguy555 Jul 13, 2021
deafguy555 July 3, 2021 in ASL 1 Subscribers Subscribe
Link , Link , Link , [This 4th of July, declare independence from Trump and the fascist Republican Party trying to destroy America.], Link , Link , Link , [Investigators are clearly conscious of the tightrope they have to walk. “Politics has no role in the grand jury chamber,” Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Carey Dunne told the judge on Thursday, “and I can assure your honor that it played no role here.” Would prosecutors have started this investigation, and brought this case, if Trump had not been president? There’s no real way to know: Trump’s presidency inevitably turned a spotlight on his business dealings. Perhaps things might have been different if he had been willing to disentangle his personal financial interests from his role as president. But then, of course, he wouldn’t have been Trump. Seen another way, though, it says a great deal that it took Trump’s elevation to the nation’s highest office in order for anyone to pay attention to the level of apparent grift within his organization. ]