No Longer Braveheart now it is Ch...
deafguy555 Jul 13, 2021
deafguy555 June 27, 2021 in ASL 1 Subscribers Subscribe
Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [I’m sorry to break all this bad news to you. I understand the actual words of the Gospel are problematic, given the story you’re selling to those whose fear you’re leveraging in America right now. It’s impossible to be devoted to the Jesus of the Scriptures, while refusing refugees, expelling immigrants, demonizing Muslims, vilifying people of color, worshiping political power, and neglecting the poor—which is exactly the point. As long as you continue to conflate God and America, you’re going to be whitewashing the Good News, shrinking God into your own image, and bastardizing the message of Jesus in ways that can only be described as fully and violently heretical. If your God is America—you need a bigger God.]