DEAF, Inc. Special Announcement: Community Support Specialist

DEAFInc     June 22, 2021 in ASL 12 Subscribers Subscribe

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DEAF, Inc. is excited to introduce its newest Community Support Specialist, Rachel Ebner. Let's give her a warm welcome!

[Graphic Title: DEAF, Inc. Special Announcement]

[Visual Description: De Linda Brite, Director of Community Programs – a white female, dressed in a pink top with a black suit is standing next to Rachel Ebner. Rachel Ebner, Community Support Specialist – a white female, dressed in a black top. Both women are standing in front of a decorative grey background]

[De Linda Brite] Today, I am excited to announce that we have a new staff at DEAF Inc., Rachel Ebner, who will be joining Community Programs department as our new Community Support Specialist. She will be working closely with our Youth and Family and Pink Wings of Hope programs. She will be working alongside with Devon Whitmore, our Advocate Specialist. Welcome to DEAF Inc., Rachel!

[Rachel Ebner] Thank you for the warm welcome, De Linda! I’d like to share a few things about myself. My family moved to St Louis when I was 9 years old. I graduated from Parkway School District. Later, I obtained a master’s degree from Gallaudet University in Social Work. Some of you may remember me from my participation in Deaf Teen Club and/or Summer Signing Day Camp when I was younger. I am so blessed to be back in St. Louis and to join the DEAF, Inc. team. I look forward to my time here and to continue learning more about DEAF, Inc. and working with our community.

[De Linda] We’re so glad to have you back at DEAF, Inc., this time as staff! Youth and Family and Pink Wings of Hope programs will definitely benefit having you with us. If you are finding yourself needing some support or have any questions about our community programs, please contact Community Programs. The information will be provided in the following slide. Please reach out to us!]

[Graphic Title: DEAF, Inc. Community Programs. Phone Number: (314) 714-6400. Email: Link ]

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