Deaf Bing: Sign Name Transfer

The Daily Moth     June 16, 2021 in ASL 97 Subscribers Subscribe

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Has that ever happened to you before? When you have two friends with the same name and you end up also signing one of their name signs in the same way for both of them because their names are the same? We know it happens to a lot of us!
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Transcript: Deaf Bing is what? Sign name transfer. I'll give you an example. Suppose I grew up with a close friend named Bruce. His name sign would be Bruce (on side forehead). I’d be using that name sign growing up then perhaps later I grow older, I move to a different state. There happens to be another deaf person who has the same name - Bruce. Perhaps I am like “Hey, please get Bruce” but I would end up signing the same name sign as the other Bruce. That’s Deaf Bing, sign name transfer!
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