A gripping, disturbing, and thought-provoking account of life during the plag...

deafguy55     June 1, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [Welcome to COVIDville, USA. The story of how we got here—of how a quiet mid-Michigan town, once home to the world’s largest casket factory, came to be one of the country’s most intense hotspots in a deadly pandemic—is a complicated one. It involves officials in the local, state, and federal governments, a local gadfly and his conspiracy-blogging brother, and the perverse incentives, and outright grift, currently ruling the American right. The story also has a deeply personal component, because I happen to live here with the people I love.], Link , [QAnon isn't the first conspiracy theory to make the jump from the Internet to the real world. In December 2016, a man fired a rifle inside Washington, D.C.'s Comet Ping Pong pizzeria, citing the baseless "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory that maintains that the restaurant is the center of a child sex ring involving top Democrats, including Clinton and Podesta. The "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory originated on fringe Internet sites before emerging in the mainstream. With the ever-increasing appearances of "Q"-branded gear at Trump rallies, QAnon may be following the same path.], Link , Link , Link

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