For example: How dangerous about QAnon Conspiracy Theory is?

deafguy55     May 30, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [The first episode of the new series resembles a reality TV show chronicling the interactions between the fictional and zany Borat and the real-life roommates Jerry Holleman and Jim Russell, who rattle off conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory. That episode sets the stage for the other six, each of which addresses a specific myth Holleman and Russell believe, tells the story of how the disinformation originated and spread, and then has experts talk directly with the men in an attempt to better educate them. “The myths and misinformation they shared with Borat fuel a dangerous rhetoric that is tearing apart societies in front of our eyes,” Cohen says in the introduction of the series. The final episode addresses Clinton and a conspiracy theory involving blood libel, the supposed ritualistic drinking of children’s blood. “The Clintons are very evil,” Russell tells Borat in the film when they were living together. “Supposedly they torture these kids. Well, what it does is it it gets your adrenaline flowing in their body. Then they take that out of their adrenal glands, and then they drink their blood.” The claim is linked to a patently false, repeatedly debunked conspiracy theory baselessly spread by QAnon supporters. In a prerecorded cameo, Clinton told Holleman and Russell it was “hurtful” to know that some people believe the conspiracy theory.]

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