The Daily Show: The GOP can’t afford to alienate its Trumpist base, but it ca...

deafguy55     May 21, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [The GOP has a new excuse for opposing a 1/6 commission: They don't want to "relitigate 2020." What a crock. Republicans don't want a full accounting because it will implicate *them* and expose their ongoing abandonment of democracy *right now.* ], Link , Link , Link , Link , [What if the GOP, by becoming the Trump party, has trapped itself in a fatal dilemma? Polls suggest that this is precisely what has happened. The GOP can’t afford to alienate its Trumpist base, but it can’t afford to lose anti-Trump Republicans either. By ousting Cheney, the party is risking electoral disaster.]

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