Donald Trump must be held accountable for his crimes in and out of office. Th...

deafguy55     May 15, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the Department of Justice official who appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel, also played a prominent role in editing an unseen Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) memo that laid out the DOJ’s legal rationale against charging President Donald Trump with obstruction. Heavily redacted emails obtained by BuzzFeed News’s Jason Leopold show the who, when and some of the what of March 24, which is the day that Attorney General Bill Barr sent a four-page letter to Congress outlining—to Mueller’s dismay—the “principal conclusions” of the Mueller Report weeks before it was released to the public. A federal judge would later call Barr’s summary a distortion. But the emails actually pertain to a “memo” that was at least 7 pages long, not Barr’s 4-page “letter.”], Link , Link , Link , [The 45th President issued two statements Saturday regarding the November 2020 general election via email from his “Save America” PAC, slamming Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as a “weak and pathetic leader”. He also suggested former Vice President Mike Pence lacked the “courage” to “send the Electoral College vote back to states for recertification”.]

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