This is a Vlog Response to "interesting history about Democrats and Republicans; explanations how and why did they switch to Republicans from Democrats in 1860's after civil wars (Confederate Flag)." by SoloIsZOOOM

Clarification: Political History - Democrat/Republ

ruralvalady     May 7, 2021 in ASL 35 Subscribers Subscribe

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1. 1619 Virginia First Slavery Market/Trade; 2. 1776 July 4th Slave ppl was not free according to Frederick Douglass' famous speech July 5, 1776; 3. Jan 1, 1863, Prez Abraham Lincoln of North States met Prez Jefferson Davis of South States disagreed to end slavery that caused Civil War 1861-1864, South lost war. Prez Lincoln signed "The Emancipation Proclamation" giving all slavery people free with money and land; 4. 1864-1964 KKK formed to threaten, kill, lynch, capture all freed black people and created "Black Code: Jim Crow law" to all equal but separated on all Whites and Blacks; 5. Thanks to VP Lyndon B Johnson, now Prez after JFK killed to sign 1964 Civil Right for black people and 1965 Voting Rights for black people that Rev. Martin Luther King (MLK) fought for the equality, job, voting from mid-1950s until his death 1968. DO NOT TRUST FAR-RIGHT PRAGER UNIVERSITY, far-right leading conservative nonprofit that fed misinformation about Democrat-Republican history refer KKK formation started according to my (hearing) Black History on FB group/page and YouTube..

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    Title:   Dem history: 1820
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  3. ReplyTo:   ruralvalady
    Title:   Republican History: 1854
  4. ReplyTo:   ASLfreedom 2
    Title:   Section 230 act 1934
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    Title:   Candace Owens
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