YES, thank you Volunteers!

NAD     April 19, 2021 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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You - Board members, State Associations, Affiliates, National Organizations and volunteers - contribute so much time and work for our community. We want to recognize you and your hard work! Your work brings changes, inspiration, and a sense of purpose to our community. That is irreplaceable.

We, at the National Association of the Deaf, want to say THANK YOU for all the things you do!


[TRANSCRIPT & DESC: Montage of different NAD staff and contractors signing a brief video clip.

JENILEE: Volunteers like you are champ!

SEAN: Thank you for your contribution and services as a volunteer!

ANNA: Thank you, volunteers! [Anna signs ILY]

ANGELA: Thank you for taking the time to volunteer for us.

TOM: Thank you for volunteering!

CHANEL: FYI, you are champ. Thank you for all of your dedication and commitment to volunteering!

ZAINAB: Thank you. You’re champ!

ANDREW: Thank you for your volunteering services!

LIZZIE: You… you’re awesome! Thank you!

SARA: You volunteers are champ!

HOWARD: This week is National Volunteer Week, I want to take the time to recognize, thank and appreciate all of you who have given up your time to work without pay or in exchange for something. You give your time towards an important cause by being involved in a non-profit organization serving the deaf community. This includes our NAD interns, volunteers, Board members, and committees. You have given up your free time to support the NAD. Thank you! I also want to recognize all of the different non-profit organizations, state associations, affiliates - each of you serve on the Board and you also work with many volunteers. You have done incredible work to elevate our deaf and hard of hearing community! Thank you all!

Video cuts to a gray background. Many small red and blue balls appear and swirl towards the center of the video before revealing the NAD logo in red, blue, and white with a water ripple effect. The copyright text appears in white underneath, “National Association of the Deaf, Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved.”]

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