Solid support for the American Jobs Plan! The more people know, the more they...

deafguy55     April 15, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [It is simply mind-boggling that Premier Doug Ford hasn’t taken advantage of Ontario’s homegrown talent to create a one-stop shop for those eligible to register for their shot. One would think a portal was the very first thing needed before kicking off the rollout, but sadly Ford is still refusing to fix this problem while he fumbles the ball halfway through the game. Instead, Ford wastes precious time playing the blame game. He’s wasted weeks trying to blame the federal Liberals for his own failure to distribute those vaccines. That’s false. There are 1.2 million doses available — but Ford’s government has botched and bungled the distribution. That’s on him.]

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