Robinhood and Silver. What's the ...
Daly Feb 02, 2021
Daly March 8, 2021 in ASL 0 Subscribers Subscribe
[TITLE] Overview: Third Stimulus Bill
[DESCRIPTION] What's in the third stimulus bill?
[VIDEO DESCRIPTION] White, bearded male in black shirt is signing in center of the frame. Snippet of the bill will be shown only for 2 seconds to save time.
[TRANSCRIPT] Let us talk about what is in third stimulus bill.
It is being called American Rescue Plan Act.
This bill provides $1.9 trillion in emergency pandemic relief,
as well some spending, and it includes number of policies.
There are 12 titles in the bill and I will try my best to recap each of those.
Title I - Committee on Agriculture.
$4 billion for the Secretary of Agriculture to purchase commodities
to be disbursed to people in need and help.
small to midsized food processors and distributers in need.
Title II - Committee on Education and Labor.
$128.6 billion for K-12 schools.
$19.25 million for Gallaudet University.
$19.25 million for National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
Increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $15 per hour by 2025.
However, the Senate Parliamentarian ruled that the minimum wage provisions
does not satisfy the budget reconciliation rules.
So the minimum wage provisions are tossed out.
Title III - Committee on Energy and Commerce
$7.5 billion for the Secretary of Health and Human Service
to plan, prepare for, distribute, administer, monitor and track COVID-19 vaccines.
$14 billion for passenger airlines.
Title IV - Committee on Small Business
$7.3 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
$25 billion for restaurants and other food and drinking establishments.
Title VII - Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.
$1.5 billion for Amtrak.
Title VIII - Committee on Veterans' Affairs (VA).
$13.5 billion for V.A. medical services.
Title IX - Committee on Ways and Means.
Extends the "pandemic unemployment assistance" program to August 29.
This date might changes in the final version of the bill.
$1,400 to individuals with income of $75,000 or less.
$2,800 to couples with income of $150,000 or less.
The cut off income is $80,000 for individuals and $160,000 for couple.
Qualified individuals/couple also will get $1,400 per dependents.
Title X - International Affairs.
$3 billion to the U.S. Agency for International Development to address COVID-19 internationally.
Title XI - Committee on Natural Resources.
$900 million for Indian affairs.
Title XII - Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
$600 million for the National Science Foundation to fund new and existing research grants
aimed at supporting COVID-related impacts and response efforts.
I wanted to let you know that this bill is NOT final.
There are 509 amendments on this bill.
The final version of this bill will be sent back to House of Reps this Tuesday.
If this bill was to be passed.
It can be signed into law by President Biden by end of this week.
We shall see how this goes!
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