God beg human avoid ANGER and Hate
Coolstarman85 Nov 23, 202445
Coolstarman85 March 1, 2021 in ASL 19 Subscribers Subscribe
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Title: Must be born again!! Link 1
Title: wages of sin is death; Link 1
Title: Sin is unrightious, etc.
Title: Yes, I agree with you.
Title: Obey is better than this Link 1
Title: God wrote 10 commandment
Title: you choice either one.
Title: Yes, I agree with you. Link 1
Title: Just minister to other. Link 1
Title: not follow other gospel Link 1
Title: Read this Mark 2:24-27
Title: Jesus keep sabbath. Link 1
Title: They changed it 2 Sunday
Title: Wow, this verse hit me.
Title: Yes, correct fact!
Title: Ur video log is freeze.
Title: Acts 2:38 (born again)
Title: Truth will make u free! Link 1
Title: enjoy ur sabbath day!
Title: Thank you for offer me!