The growing threat of domestic terrorism and the complexity of mass radicaliz...

deafguy55     February 25, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , ["I stand with people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, proudly," said Aguero, before going on to contradict the congresswoman's false claim that Antifa was behind the Capitol insurrection, rather than Trump's supporters. "Admit it, we were all there. It was not Antifa, and it was not BLM. It was Trump supporters that did that yesterday," Aguero continued. "I'm the first to admit it, being one myself. I'd be a liar...I would be lying to you guys if I told you that it was Antifa. I would be lying to you guys if I told you that it was BLM, that it wasn't Trumpers, that it wasn't Republicans that were out here. I would be lying to you."]

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