Politics Girl: Both Parties are NOT the Same

deafguy55     February 3, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , [Why do conspiracy theorists like Marjorie Taylor Greene always land on the Jews? Once you’ve decided an invisible hand is behind the world’s problems, it’s only a matter of time before you decide it belongs to an invisible Jew.']...[Greene has shared material related to QAnon, which posits that the world is dominated by a clandestine pedophile cabal. She has expressed 9/11 conspiracy theories, claimed Barack Obama was a secret Muslim, and said that the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, was a “false flag.” And she’s had a particular soft spot for wild anti-Jewish plots. She posted a neo-Nazi video that declared that “Zionist supremacists” were “breeding us out of existence in our own homelands.” She accused the Jewish Rothschild banking dynasty of setting forest fires with a secret space laser. And she even liked a tweet claiming that Israel’s Mossad was behind the assassination of JFK:]

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