COVID-19 Vaccinations

DEAFInc     February 2, 2021 in ASL 12 Subscribers Subscribe

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The COVID-19 video series is shifting focus to vaccinations as they are now being distributed in phases. DEAF, Inc. is bringing you information to better understand what currently available and how-to pre-register is. The video transcript is available below.




#Deaf #DeafCovid19 #DeafHealth
Video Transcript
[Opening Graphic] COVID-19 Updates: COVID-19 Vaccination

[A black male wearing a grey sweater on black background - Devon Whitmore, DEAF, Inc. Community Advocate.]

[Devon] Hello All, I’m here once again to keep you abreast of COVID-19 related information. Entities have announced vaccination phases which have already begun. As of mid-January, those cleared for vaccinations include health care workers, first responders, people over 65, and those with chronic health conditions. [Graphic: a needle filled with liquid] You may be wondering – where do I start or how do I get my vaccination? If you are unable to get a shot through your employer, you can complete an online pre-registration form through [Graphic: a hospital with red cross] county health departments and area hospital systems. You can pre-register at more than one website and you can get your vaccination in a county you do not live in. [Graphic: a computer] Please see in our description for a list of where you can pre-register for your vaccination in St. Louis / Missouri. Missouri does not yet have a steady enough supply of vaccine, which will impact when you may be eligible to receive your vaccination. [Graphic: a clipboard with registration form] The pre-registration form will ask you questions like the type of job you have, your place of residence, age, and your health risks. Based on this information, the form will suggest which phase you may fall in. For example, if you’re 65 and older, you would fall under Phase 1B – Tier 2. If you’re a teacher, you would fall under Phase 1B – Tier 3. If you need assistance with completing the online pre-registration form, please contact us at DEAF, Inc. and we can assist with understanding the form. Thank you. Stay safe and stay healthy.

[Graphic: an animated chat conversation]

[COVID-19 Phase Screening] “I can help you pre-register for a COVID-19 vaccine. Please tell us a little bit about yourself so we can add you to the appropriate distribution phase, according to the criteria set by your state. Let’s start with a few questions.”
[William Smith] “Okay.”
[COVID-19 Phase Screening] “What is your age?”
[William Smith] “67.”
[COVID-19 Phase Screening] “In which state do you reside in?”
[William Smith] “Missouri”
[COVID-19 Phase Screening] “Are you a healthcare worker?”
[William Smith] “Yes.”
[COVID-19 Phase Screening] “Enter your contact information and we will notify you.”
[William Smith] “Thank you.”

[Closing Graphic]
Pre-registration Websites:



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Disclaimer: DEAF, Inc. is not responsible for managing COVID-19 vaccination or pre-registry websites. One should refer to the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services to obtain the most comprehensive COVID-19 vaccination information.

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