NAD Applauds ASL Access at All White House Briefings

NAD     February 1, 2021 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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On January 25, 2021, the White House announced that they will provide American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters for all its press briefings. This historic breakthrough is a huge win for all deaf and hard of hearing people — however, our work is not done. NAD CEO Howard A. Rosenblum gives an update regarding the lawsuit against the White House and how we can share feedback with the TV networks on where to put the ASL interpreter Picture-In-Picture (PIP) feed.

[Jump Ahead]

- Historic Breakthrough for ALL deaf and hard of hearing people: 0:00.
- White House lawsuit, before and now: 0:41.
- Change in White House Administration, now what: 2:51.
- But, what about the issues: 5:06.
- Thank YOU for your input: 5:56.


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