Welch's ASL Juice: TableTalk 1

twelch07     January 20, 2021 in Religion 52 Subscribers Subscribe

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January 20, 2021

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Welch’s ASL Juice! I created the name in 2007. Why did I name it? Welch is my last name. You know Welch’s Juice that has grape and fruit juice, and candies, etc. I thought it is cool to name Welch’s ASL Juice. Why? My last name is Welch. ASL is our first language, and all vlogs are ASL. The juice is our favorite taste of the ASL as language and deaf culture. So, I created the name to promote the information about deaf topics and different topics in ASL.

I mentioned that I would start my v/blog this month. My goal is to post a few vlogs each month. But right now, I am a doctoral student. Sometimes, I am extremely busy with my dissertation. Right now, I am processing to complete the proposal on chapters 1-3. I will soon start data collection. It means I will interview deaf students for my dissertation. I will explain more after I completed the program.

My v/blog has lasted for 14 years. It is up and down, but I keep my site alive because I will back to vlog. I have not been vlogging for a long time because I face life-changing and busy with the doctoral program.

BTW, see my shirt. It is from my work. J means Juanita High School. Rebels were our mascot, but now they changed to Ravens due to racism issues. Recently, we voted for Ravens as our new mascot. I don’t mean I support Baltimore Ravens if you love to watch NFL Football. Haha!

I learned so many things last 14 years that I want to share with you all.

My v/blog will be various about Christianity, deaf issues, healthy, health, and more. I have many ideas about what I will do with my vlog. If I am not busy the day, I will create a vlog. Sometimes, I may vlog every day for a week, three times a week, or whatever. It depends on my schedule.

Today is the United States of America. President Biden is our new president. We pray for him, leadership, congressmen/women, and government leaders. We thank Trump and other leaders for leading our last four years. I know Trump isn’t good with his words. I am not going to debate here about him because he is no longer president. However, importantly, but not least, we pray for our new president and leaders.

I hope you are doing well. Stay well, healthy, and safe.

So long!

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