John Pavlovitz: What we're witnessing in our nation is not protesting and it'...

deafguy55     January 17, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [The only hope our imprisoned brothers and sisters have of extricating themselves from this dangerous mass delusion of white righteousness, is to be confronted with the unadorned truth by those who look like them. And even if our words fail to rescue those who are entrapped in the white lie of American Christianity—they will remind those who sustain injury and incur wounds and experience terror at their hands, that they are not alone and that their assailants are not unopposed. Because the saddest reality of these days, is that a man looking like the biblical Jesus would be in the greatest danger in the company of these so-called Christians surrounding our Capitols with weapons that he condemned and violence that he abhorred. White American Christians, it is long past time we said it without mincing words:], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link

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