Lin Wood: For those keeping score at home, #Trump lawyer L. Lin Wood has toda...

deafguy55     January 1, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [In a fiery speech at a “Stop the Steal” rally on December 2nd in Atlanta, Attorney Lin Wood demanded that Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray “do their job” by taking action to investigate the evidence of widespread voter fraud that allegedly took place during the November election. “All the power, not some of the power, all of the power belongs to the people. This is our country. We tell the government what they can and can’t do. This is our country. We are going to take it back,” said Wood. “We are circling the walls of Jericho and God Almighty is going to tear the walls down, and we are going to take America back again. You watch it happen.”]

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