Trump Is Guilty of Sedition and Must Be Brought to Justice

deafguy55     December 24, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska.; Regardless, while pardoning political allies is hardly novel—it’s a bipartisan tradition—Trump is unusual in that he has used the power almost exclusively in that manner: Of the 65 pardons and commutations that Mr. Trump had granted before Wednesday, 60 have gone to petitioners who had a personal tie to Mr. Trump or who helped his political aims, according to a tabulation by the Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith. Although similar figures do not exist for previous presidents, legal experts say that those presidents granted a far lower percentage to those who could help them personally and politically. Mr. Trump’s use of his powers to grant clemency to allies and supporters drew criticism even from some Republicans. “This is rotten to the core,” ]

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