Brandy Lee, Yale Psychiatrist Says Donald Trump Is ‘Mentally Incapacitated,’ ...

deafguy55     December 21, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [“He’s never been in a situation in which he has lost in a way he can’t escape from,” Mary Trump, his niece and the author of the fiercely critical and bestselling book about him and their family, told me. “We continue to wait for him to accept reality, for him to concede, and that is something he is not capable of doing,” added Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump and the ways in which he’s disordered and dangerous. “Being a loser,” she said, for Trump is tantamount to “psychic death.”]

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