⁦ David A. French ⁩’s latest. Another must read: “I’m going to be as blunt as...

deafguy55     December 13, 2020 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [Here’s the call to action: It’s time for conservative Christian leaders to shed any form of fear and to speak against conspiracies and against slander with the same boldness that many of them spoke for Trump. Again, this isn’t just about “witness.” It’s about justice. It’s about law. It’s about peace. Why do I keep mentioning fear? Because we all know exactly what happens when a prominent conservative opposes Trump. It’s been the same playbook for more than five years. They receive vicious personal attacks. Trumpists try to intimidate dissenters into silence. Trumpists try to destroy dissenters’ reputations, destroy their careers, and sometimes even destroy their lives.]

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