#GivingTuesday - Thank You

NAD     December 8, 2020 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: The NAD semi-transparent logo is at the bottom right corner. Video of Angela begins.

ANGELA: Thank you.

Video clip of Annabelle.

ANNABELLE: Thank you.

Video clip of Jomar.

JOMAR: Thank you.

Video clip of Stacy.

STACY: Thank you for donating.

Video clip of Natnail.

NATNAIL: Thank you for your donation.

Video clip of Priscilla.

PRISCILLA: Thank you for donating to the NAD...

Video clip of Eliza.

ELIZA: Thank you for donating to the NAD Youth...

Video clip of Domonic.

DOMONIC: Thank you for donating to the NAD Youth Programs.

Video fades to yellow background with black text, "Thank you!" Logos (in order) of Youth Leadership Camp, Youth Ambassador Program, Jr. NAD, College Bowl and National Deaf Youth Day stomps in.]

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