ewitty     December 7, 2020 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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ASL GLOVES 🧤!!! Welcome to my TedTalk.
I know I can’t be the only one sick and tired of Hearing ppl sending me all these damn ASL GLOVE videos and articles about how it can “translate ASL." FOH!
Check out this great article written on the topic by Kimberly from Language First:

Along with other SLPs who work with deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) children, I am disappointed in the recent ASHA Leader article about gloves that “translate” sign language to spoken words (October 2020). This invention perpetuates ableism and the idea that DHH people should be accommodating hearing people.

First, these gloves translate only the signs themselves. In any signed language, the signs themselves hold only a fraction of the meaning. There is rich language in the eyebrows, the mouth, the body, and the manner of sign production. All of this would be lost on the gloves, leaving the signer with a robotic, caveman-like production of their language. Secondly, any conversation with someone wearing these gloves would be a monologue. The deaf person wearing the gloves would sign to a hearing person and the gloves would (poorly) translate the signs into speech. The hearing person wouldn’t be able to speak their response because the deaf person cannot hear it and they wouldn’t be able to sign their response because they clearly don’t know a signed language or they wouldn’t need a deaf person to be wearing signing gloves.

Lastly, the gloves’ designers are not deaf, nor did they incorporate the opinions of deaf individuals into their design. For a product that purports to help communication with a group of people, it should at the very least enlist that group’s opinion. If a deaf person were consulted on this project, I am sure they would have made all these points.
Kimberly Sanzo,

Article: Link .../leader.IN3.25112020.7/full/
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